Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You have a blog??

The other day at school i told one of my friends that i had a blog. It came up in english class and once she finally stopped laughing she asked me if i was serious. I was hurt...not really but i like to make people feel bad for a little so i acted like it was. But then i got to thinking why do i really have a blog?? what is the point of me putting down these words online that only a few of my relatives and now maybe a couple of my friends will look at when they get bored. Well i guess being bored is kind of what started all of this. You see over christmas break andrea, my sister, showed me that she had a blog and i read one of her posts and for some reason i was drawn into it and somewhat mesmerized. So right then and there i decided to make my own blog and the rest is history.

Actually i dont think you can call this least not yet. This is just a place where i can vent to no one in particular and just write down all those things that i havent gotten off my chest throughout the day. but this also got me thinking. What ever happened to the privacy of a diary of journal?? "Back in the day" people used to write down their daily activities in their own personal journal/diary and hit it under their bed so that no one could read it. Now in the 21st centure we post all of our happenings, with all the juicy details, online for everyone to read whenever they desire. im not saying that blogging is bad but it just amazes me how it can draw you in and make you type things that under most normal circumstances you wouldnt even say. so for now ill just keep typing random posts about nothing important at all because i dont have any juicy interesting stories...i live in amish country for petes sake. And Devon, dont worry, i forgive you for laughing at me...i know its weird that i have a blog. but you should expect weirdness out of me...its part of my nature.

time to go to bed and wake up to another day filled with pointless calculus and physics.... so goodnight blogging world....ill visit again when i have something worth typing....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bulldog beatdown

Well i am all of a sudden in the mood to blog again...ive taken about half a month off and i finally realized that i have enough to say so here we go. Basketball is still in full swing and my team is actually playing good. we pulled off a major upset the other night against our cross town rival dalton and we are now 3-0 in games that are decided by 1 point. and we have won two 1 point game in the span of a week. tuesday we beat out heritage christian by one as well. now this dalton win was sweet in so many ways. not only do i just not like the entire dalton community but especially their sporting community. we came in probably close to 20 point underdogs and i garentee the 7 guys that play on my varsity were some of the few that actually believed we had a chance. Before the game our coaches asked us how we wanted to be remembered as a team and as an individual player and how we wanted to be percieved by the fans. Words like "consistent" "always works hard" "all out all the time" "leader" "never flustered" "plays with heart" were plastered all over the board. so our coaches come walking in and the first thing that they do is erase every thing on there. the said those were just words and that the meant nothing. we had to go out and prove it. i took this as a challenge and im sure the rest of the guys did to. so with the biggest crowd i have ever played in front of and our student section out-shouting theirs (which is really really rare) we came out and played the best game we have to this point this year. they were stronger then us, quicker, and frankly just flat out more athletic then us but it didnt matter. we wanted it more then them and we got it because we never got flustered and we played as a team. there is no star player on our team we have only had one person score over 20 points twice this year. if you guard one of us the other 4 will kill you. so in the first ever regular season meeting between central and dalton....Central 1 dalton take that have nothing on us.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Wait...Did I do that right??

A superstitious as defined by is "believing in, full of, or influenced by superstition." So what is a superstition?? A superstition is defined by those same geniuses as "a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like." So in other words when relating this to the sports world it is doing something over and over again believing that it will somehow affect the outcome of the game.
I am a very very superstitious person. Before every soccer game everything has to be put on the same way. Right side, then left side. For everything for the tights i wear to my socks to tying my shoes. I truly believe that if i do not do everything this exact same way everything will be out of whack and i will have an awful game. The same thing goes for my basketball routine. Everything goes on right left and everything i do in warmups is exactly the same. When we do our layup lines i always to two layups on the right side a baseline jumper and then the rest are threes. From the left side everything is the same except for one layup is a finger-roll instead. So this last game i decided to do everything different. I still got dressed the same because that just isnt allowed to change but during warmups i did everything a little different. So what did this do for me?? Well lets just say i now have new superstitions.
After going 7-10 from three point range and having a career high 23 points while wearing a facemask to protect my recently broken nose i have a feeling i have some new rituals. For starters i think im going to wear that mask for the rest of my life. I have this strange feeling that when i wear it i somehow possess the powers of every other person that has ever worn it. I feel like i can play like Rip Hamilton of the Pistons. I think that my defense can be as good as that of former college of wooster guard Andy Van Horn. I have these powers and just cant wait to use them. Now there is no describing how annoying that mask is constantly making your face hot and never staying in the right spot. But hey if it makes me shoot as well as what i did i think i can deal with that.
Then again maybe it wasnt the mask...maybe it was chopping wood after shootaround that morning...maybe it was wearing the compression shirt that i wore all of last year as my undershirt...maybe it was the little changes in my warmup routine...maybe it was just the feeling that i had the power of my two mask wearing buddies...who knows...but for now im just going to go with it and do everything the same next game and hope for the best. Because im superstitious for a reason....because it works.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ahhh...Christmas morning

There is nothing more exciting for a young child then the rush they get waking up on the morning of December twenty-fifth knowing that "Santa" has come to their house and delivered a sack full of gifts underneath the tree just asking to be ripped into. Now, at the age of 18, i know that Santa is not real and the thought of waking up early just really doesn't sound pleasing at all. So how do you get teens the same Christmas present "high" as that of the little kid...announce on Christmas eve that you are opening gifts that night and sleeping in on the 25th. For some of us, two of those words are enough of a present...sleeping in...every kid/teen loves to hear their parents say those words. The idea of no morning work or plans and getting to stay in the warmth underneath the fleece covers and comforters topping each of our beds. So Christmas has been good so far...all 45 minutes that i have experienced to this point. All of the gifts have been unwrapped, the trash picked up, toys played with, thank yous and hugs distributed around, and pictures of surprised faces and new gifts snapped and stored away on memory cards. And best of all...i can sleep in till 9:30 tomorrow!

Christmas is always full of surprises and this year was no let down...what i thought was a tv turned out to be a huge stereo system to replace my 8 year old cd player that didnt have a power button on the remote. Some would be disappointed with this tv to stereo trade off but you see i have a tv already and i dont really need a better one then what i already have. Also for the first time i got the gun i always wanted for Christmas. Thoughts of "A Christmas Story" and the famous "you will shoot your eye out!!" line quickly left my head when i saw what the intended use was. This gun shoots out mini marshmallows. It might just turn out to be one of the best useless Christmas presents ever. Just the thought of using this "gun" to attack someone in their house when they least expect it brings a smile to the face. Then of course we get to the more practical gifts like shirts and shorts and giftcards to AE and other clothes outlets so that i can stay clothed in the latest trends which is always good. This is definately a Christmas Eve to remember.

So now i leave you telling you about the best Christmas i have ever had and most of the events happened the day before. But the presents arent what makes this day special. The idea that over 2000 years ago God cared for me so much that he would send down His son and humble him so much so that he would be born in a manger in a calf barn behind a hotel in an overcrowded city just so he could grow up and die a horrible death so that i could live. I thank God for his everlasting grace and love. And so for this Christmas morning that is just one hour old i thank God for making it one to remember...

A very painful christmas...

I broke my nose on the 23rd...Drea had her wisdom teeth out on the 24th...NUFF SAID

Is winning everything??

For the first time in my athletic career i lost and wasnt extremely angered about it. for those of you who know me this may come as a shock. i can be highly competitive and easily angered when losing. now yes i was quite disappointed that we didnt come out on top but the way we played made that all go out the window. for the fist time this year we played as a unit and actually had fun out there. we had some what of a swagger, not an arrogant one, but just that attitude that we knew we could do whatever we wanted and trust in every single one of us to do what needed to be done when it needed to be. with the addition of a new senior player it seemed as though we had found our missing link. when the five seniors were in it was as if we didnt even have to think...things just happened. 4 of the 5 of us scored in double figures, we played lockdown defense and came back from 16 down in the third to down two in the fourth. if i could go back and have the chance to things differently i would, but since modern time-travel has yet to be invented i dont think that would happen. so for now im just going to have to suck it up, put it behind me, and start marking down the days till january 16th...